After having a look at my website, and fixing a few broken links, I looked at my blog and realized that I had not written anything since October 27th. Long time, much has happened. I will try and keep it chronological, and here goes.
I was offered the unique opportunity to write for the new Australian reptile magazine called “SCALES AND TAIL”. I will have a column in every edition (it comes out every two months).
Beginning of November I moved to LA

After a very, very busy November, and a lot of work behind the camera, we headed to Africa. It was another hectic schedule, and I tried my hand in front of the camera. Results will be available for viewing soon. More news to follow.

After returning to the US, we had an uneventful, and cold festive season.
Early January has seen more shooting for a variety of shows. Most of the time has been in the office, squeezing our minds of every last ounce of creative juices we have. Being that close to greatness is amazing, and seeing your ideas being developed and filmed, and eventually cut into existence is really amazing.