Thanks to Art, Jared, Eric, the San Antonio sheriffs department, Ian, Matt and all people who i got to hang with!
See repeats of episode one at the following times, and watch here for more info on the series
Discovery Channel
Oct 03,
"Living the Dream"
Current news and photos | |
Australia, Aug-Sept | |
Coastal Taipan | Coastal taipan |
Whip Snake (Demansia psammophis) | Jungle Carpet Python |
Taipan venom | Brown Tree snake |
Stone fish | Taipan fangs |
Thanks to Teresa Carrette and Paul Walden for pics | |
Teresa Carrette and spotted python | |
Venom extraction special, Scott Waters production, Late July | |
Thanks to Dave Northcott for stills
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Gila and Rattlesnake Shoot, Arizona, mid july | |
Thanks to the Ashley's, the Bell's and the Gee's for an awesome adventure.Photos by Michael D Kern and | |
Shoot for "Predator Instict", airs Discovery mid-September | |
Discovery Shoot, Late June '08, for series "Bitten" | |
Thanks to Teresa Carrette and Michael Kern for the photos | |
Screen Shots from promo, June, San Diego | |
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Donald Schultz and Devon Massyn Affiliation: Herpetological Research Consortium (Herp ReCon) Presentation Title: Swaziland , Kingdom of Herps Devon Massyn and Donald Schultz are co-authoring a field guide to the snake of Swaziland . Devon could not make it as he is researching in the field in Mozambique at the moment The Kingdom of Swaziland : a small Southern African country about 1/40th the size of Texas ! An amazing country which has an extremely rich natural reptile biodiversity with almost the same number of reptile species as the entire United States of America ! A new revolution in herpetology has started to take place in Swaziland . A new reptile park has opened its doors and will be working as a base center for a lot of new and exciting work that is taking place. A lot of genetic work is already under way and a new telemetry study on Black mambas (Dendroaspis polylepis) will hopefully begin in the near future. | |
Rom Whitaker, Don Schultz and David Warrell
Thanks to Vince Scheidt for the pic! | |
Filming pygmy rattlesnakes, Georgia Bay, Canada, June '08 | |
"Bitten" Shoot, early June, San Diego airs on DIscovery late August | |